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感謝設計師的巧妙設計,師傅的巧手神作,『歡樂兒童樂園』終於落成囉 ! 隔音、隔熱、永久綠化,並且結合各種運動項目的綠屋頂遊樂園,所有希望,一次滿足!!!


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草皮達人[Masturf]-威斯汀度假酒店-Go Golf 親子果嶺

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威斯汀度假酒店-Go Golf 親子果嶺

大溪威斯汀度假酒店『 Go Golf』九洞迷你高爾夫遊戲區-感謝客戶指定採用草皮達人專業果嶺草,全台首發,質感爆表。

草皮達人[Masturf]-Taipei Bihu Demonstration Park

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Taipei Bihu Demonstration Park

New Bihu Park playground is this year's North City transformation project, the most design of a. Wooden characteristics of the ship accompanied by beautiful Bihu, no colorful, the screen is so harmonious!

草皮達人[Masturf]-Villa in the mountains -  Golf artificial green

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Villa in the mountains - Golf artificial green

Blue sky, white clouds, green hills, European-style cabins, and finally with exclusive golf green stolen area, it seems that our customers are ready to retreat mountains, enjoy retirement!

草皮達人[Masturf]-Yitung Temple - Terrace green

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Yitung Temple - Terrace green

Bamboo seedlings of the famous temple in the main gate landscape terrace, design artificial turf recreation area. In addition to the ancient temple green, but also to visit the believers and pilgrims, but also leisurely enjoy the scenery of grass lake.

草皮達人[Masturf]-Wego Private Preschool - Children's Play Area

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Wego Private Preschool - Children's Play Area

Known as the aristocratic school of Wego attached to the small, the designated use of grass for children kindergarten dedicated grass, the slippery mats to a comprehensive update, after transformation, the game area blue sky grass, tree-lined, happy children running with angel silver bell laugh Sound, it's great!

草皮達人[Masturf]-Sports fitness brand - Fitness Factory

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Sports fitness brand - Fitness Factory

Thanks to the fitness plant designated by the whole of Taiwan "gym for grass", and only the skin of the people "power wire" 3 times the wear resistance, can withstand the strong test and destruction of the body magic.

草皮達人[Masturf]-Foguangshan Fuji Temple - Cihang Kindergarten

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Foguangshan Fuji Temple - Cihang Kindergarten

Taiwan only Buddha Guangshan kindergarten, Tainan Fukuoka Tsz Ching Kindergarten children's area lawn laying. "Miyoshi movement" say good words, do good things, keep good heart, then the children will be healthy growth based on happy learning in their young life.

草皮達人[Masturf]-Commune A7 - Xinyi District Container Mall

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Commune A7 - Xinyi District Container Mall

Come and enjoy yourself, enjoy the food in this container market, you can choose to sit in the central green space, or in the barrel shape of the table

草皮達人[Masturf]-National Taichung Theater and Concert Hall

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National Taichung Theater and Concert Hall

Masturf is honored again with the professional construction company, the Baohui construction with the high class royal grass with invincible country opera landscape, so that the original bare concrete terrace space instantly filled with the atmosphere of the Royal Manor.

草皮達人[Masturf]-Tatungshan Pachimen Intl. Martial Arts Inst

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Tatungshan Pachimen Intl. Martial Arts Inst

Tatungshan Pachimen Intl. Martial Arts Inst have a perfect ending, thanks to the "octagonal door - Dayongshan Great Baxian Temple" to give the opportunity to "grass skin up" fortunate enough to participate in the world's first Tai Chi Wu Dou event, really cool!

草皮達人[Masturf]-TTWFA 2016 Mini Soccer - The Project Hope of Soccer

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TTWFA 2016 Mini Soccer - The Project Hope of Soccer

Masturf develop a new generation of free exercise professional football, through the SGS non-toxic heavy metal certification, construction and rapid removal of rubber chemical pollution, this feature also makes it a new darling of small games.

草皮達人[Masturf]-Taipei Rongxing Park - Game Field

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Taipei Rongxing Park - Game Field

We have the honor to participate in the Taipei City cohabitation game project, hoping to bring the children the most unique game paradise. Watching the children in groups of flowers under the sun shade game, as if out of the earthly exquisite flower elves, bustling.

草皮達人[Masturf]-Artificial golf putting greens

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Artificial golf putting greens

"artificial golf greens' victory not only aesthetics, but also bring added value golf putter sport, no longer have to worry turf maintenance, eternal sense of community .

草皮達人[Masturf]-Tainan Fort Kindergarten

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Tainan Fort Kindergarten

Very proud to partner with well-known preschool brands Fort Kindergarten, Children in the grass on the football lesson can obtain a full range of cushioning and protection.


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繼M-Benz, BMW, Mini cooper, Land rover...等知名進口豪華汽車品牌。 『草皮達人』首度與日系SUBARU公司於『2015品牌野餐日』合作, 成功在都市中打造出千坪完美野餐綠地。